Extention Education process/2020

Extension Education Process-

            Education  is the  production of  desirable changes  in human behavior,  the bringing  about  of desired  changes in  knowledge(things  known),attitudes(thingsfelt)  and  skills (things  done), either  in  all  or  one  or  more  of  them.

 An effective extension educational programme involves five essential and intérrelated steps (Fig. 1.1). The sequence of steps is discussed on the basis of concept developed by Leagans (1967).

Education process

The first step consists of collection of facts and analysis of the situation Facts about the people and their enterprises; the economic, social, cultural, physical and t technological environment in which they live and work. These may be obtained by e appropriate survey and establishing rapport with the people.

The second step is deciding on realistic objectives which may be accomplished by the community. A limited number of objectives should be selected by involving the local people. The objectives should be specific and clearly stated, and on completion should bring satisfaction to the community. Objectives should state the behaviour changes in people as well as economic and social outcomes desired.

The third step is teaching, which involes choosing what should be taught (the content) and how the people should be taught (the methods to be used). It requires selecting research findings of economic and practical importance relevant to the community, and selection and combination of appropriate teaching methods and aids.

The fourth step is evaluating the teaching, i.e. determining the extent to which the objectives have been reached. To evaluate the results of an educational programme objectively, it is desirable to conduct a re-survey. The evidence of changed behaviour should be collected, which shall not only provide a measure of success, but shall also indicate the deficiencies, if any.

The fifth step is re-consideration of the entire extension educational programme on the light of the results of evaluation. The problems identified in the process of evaluation may become the starting point for the next phase of the extension educational programme, unless new problems have developed or new situations have arisen.

Teaching & Learning in Extension-

 Extension is an educational process for bringing about the maximum desirable changes among the methods commonly known as extension-teaching method, It is, therefore, necessary here to understand what is meant by learning, tea extension methods.

"Learning' is the process by which an individual, through his own activity, attain a change in his behaviour. It is an active process on the part of the learner. Th essential role of an extension worker is to create effective learning situations.

Dale's "Cone of Experience', as modified by Sheal (1989), provides a linkage between learning activity, and participant involvement.

Principles of Teaching and Learning

  •  Principle of readiness
  •  Principle of individual differences P
  • Principle of interest 
  • Principle of complex and multiple outcome Principle of security 
  • Principle of activity and experience P
  • Principle of meaning and understanding Principle of transfer of learning

Extension education process is most important process in Agricultural extension .
This process though provide knowledge and guidelines of farmer throug supervision person.

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