Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
The word communication originated from the word "communis" which means ideas, information, ete, in ways such that each gains a common understanding the meaning intent and use of the message. It is very difficult and some times able to establish commonness because it is not important what we give but bat one receives and perceives is important.
Even though the words evoke meaning common. So communication is an act by which two on more people share knowledge,
meaning lies in the individual. Symbols (words) do not have any meaning, but it is in person perception.
Purpose of Communication Aristotle had clearly implied that the prime goal of communication was persuasion.
During the 17th century, faculty of Psychology was developed-made a clear distinction between the mind and the soul. The mind and soul dualism was interpreted as a basis for two independent purpose of communication.
One purpose was informative, in appeal to the mind.
A second purpose was persuasive, an appeal to the soul, the emotion.
A third purpose was entertainment and it was argued that we could classify the intentions of communication and supporting material be used, within these categories.
Schramm (1949) described the purpose of communication as immediate newark and delayed reward.
Festinger (1950) described the purpose of communication as consummatory and instrumental
Berlo (1960) remarked that the sole purpose of communication is to influence.
Nature of Communication-
Communication is a process wherein communication act is constantly changing as the communication proceeds.
2. Communication is reciprocal and alternating. The response evoked By one communique in turn become a stimulus and a communique in its own ight
3. Communication is a social process, It may be argued that all communication is social as human beings are social beings.
4. Communication is an interdependent process, the level of interdependence may vary from situation to situation
5. In a typical communication situation, there has to be somebody to start process of communication, somebody to receive, some message to share and to tune the encoder and decoder together.
6. Fidelity will vary from one situation to another.
7. Each act of communication involves expression, interpretation and response Feedback is vital in testing the communication act.
8. Communication may take place at many levels, for many reasons, with many people, in many ways.
Definitions of Communication
1. "Communication one person to other".
Communication is this is anything that convey meaning that carries a message from one person to other. (Brooker, 1949.
Communication is a sort of delivery system. It does not end there. This leads to reaction and it is reciprocal and alternating. Constant reversal of roles takes place in communication.
2. "Communication is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a common understanding of the message. In essence it is the act of getting a sender and receiver tuned together for a particular message or series of messages".
J. Paul Leagans) He has said that communication is a process because communication act is constantly changing as the communication proceeds.
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