About Us

Hello Friends

My name is MUKESH PATEL my blog website name Agriadda247  and my blog  link - www.agriadda.in.net

These blog  provide Agriculture related information like Agricultural current affairs Agriculture related new technology
Cover agriculture related Most importent topic various agriculturral exam, Environment related information and  different type farming system,other importent information related to our agriculture

Edu.-  KSIC gola kheri (High school
            and intermideate)
 @           BUA&T Banda - B.Sc.                                (Hons)Agriculture

  @        NDUA&T - M.Sc.(Ag) Agronomy

About Us-

Name - Mukesh Patel

Distt-    Lakhimpur (kheri)

    Pin-          262805

State-  Uttarpradesh

Emai - patelmukesh10484@gmail.com

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Agriadda 247

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