Previous year JRF,NET,SRF Agronomy Papers

  1.            JRF and SRF
  2. Memory based questions

  3. Question
    1 points
    First cultivated crops in the world are
  4. 2. Question
    1 points
    Nitrification bacteria was isolated by
  5. 3. Question
    1 points
    State Seed Farm Corporation was launched during
  6. 4. Question
    1 points
    Solid portion of the earth is called
  7. 5. Question
    1 points
    The word ‘Meteorology’ is derived from
  8. 6. Question
    1 points
    Principles of mercury barometer was discovered by
  9. 7. Question
    1 points
    Ozonosphere is a synonym of
  10. 8. Question
    1 points
    Radio communication is made possible through
  11. 9. Question
    1 points
    What is the average value of solar constant?
  12. 10. Question
    1 points
    Type of radiation which is useful in remote sensing is
    • 11. Question
      1 points
      Radiation balance between global and reflected solar radiation is
    • 12. Question
      1 points
      Shortest day in northern hemisphere
    • 13. Question
      1 points
      Visible radiation is the range of (micron)
    • 14. Question
      1 points
      Absolute zero is
    • 15. Question
      1 points
      Liquid used in maximum and minimum thermometer, respectively are
    • 16. Question
      1 points
      Which among the following is having the least albedo?
    • 17. Question
      1 points
      Which among the plants have the highest Water Use Efficiency?
    • 18. Question
      1 points
      Stage which is highly sensitive to high temperature is
    • 19. Question
      1 points
      Agro-climatic zones are formed in India during
    • 20. Question
      1 points
      Heat transfer in soil is mainly due to
      • . Question
        1 points
        At what depth below the soil, temperature variation is nil?
      • 22. Question
        1 points
        Primary product of carbon fixation in C4 plants is 4 carbon compounds in the form of
      • 23. Question
        1 points
        Which type of plants is having lower Water Use Efficiency
      • 24. Question
        1 points
        Inflorescence elongation is due to the presence of __________ enzyme?
      • 25. Question
        1 points
        The term ‘Harvest index’ was developed by
      • 26. Question
        1 points
        Which is the basic property of soil?
      • 27. Question
        1 points
        Humus in soil sample is removed by _________ chemical in mechanical analysis
      • 28. Question
        1 points
        Which of the nutrient concentration increases with the increase in soil moisture (i.e. under flooding)?
      • 29. Question
        1 points
        Under anaerobic soil condition, the toxic acid produced is
      • 30. Question
        1 points
        Structure which has more porosity is
        • Question
          1 points
          Herbicide suitable under wet seeded rice is
        • 42. Question
          1 points
          Growth regulator used in hybrid rice seed production programme is
        • 43. Question
          1 points
          Most prominent crop used under mixed cropping of wheat is
        • 44. Question
          1 points
          Which part of India produce best quality wheat?
        • 45. Question
          1 points
          Critical stage for water in maize crop
        • 46. Question
          1 points
          Which type of maize is early maturing one?
        • 47. Question
          1 points
          Hybrid maize was first developed in the world during 1910 by
        • 48. Question
          1 points
          Spraying of which of the following, conserve moisture in chickpea?
        • 49. Question
          1 points
          Gram variety suitable to sow under rainfed condition is
        • 50. Question
          1 points
          Suitable herbicide for pigeon pea field is
          • Question
            1 points
            pH range of acid rain is
          • 92. Question
            1 points
            Which is the secondary nutrient for plant growth?
          • 93. Question
            1 points
            Optimum C:N:P ratio for better crop production is
          • 94. Question
            1 points
            Which is called deficit irrigation of scheduling irrigation
          • 95. Question
            1 points
            Production is maximum for most of the crops when the depletion of available soil moisture at the root zone is ______ %
          • 96. Question
            1 points
            Sprinkler irrigation cannot be used under
          • 97. Question
            1 points
            Most erodable sized particles due to wind is
          • 98. Question
            1 points
            Estimated loss of top soil in India is
          • 99. Question
            1 points
            Herbicide (at sub-lethal dose) improved the colour of apple is
          • 100. Question
            1 points
            In India, Striga is more problematic in
            1. 101. Question
              1 points
              Trap crops for Orabanche are
            2. 102. Question
              1 points
              Cropping intensity in India is
            3. 103. Question
              1 points
              Land equivalent ratio is >1.0 indicates
            4. 104. Question
              1 points
              Ideal character of tree species for alley cropping is
            5. 105. Question
              1 points
              System provides highest profitable and produce diverse vegetation is
            6. 106. Question
              1 points
              Which type of alley cropping is recommended for semi – arid region for green fodder purpose?
            7. 107. Question
              1 points
              Factorial experiments involving two factors and both requires lager plots, the design followed is
            8. 108. Question
              1 points
              Which of the following is major source of irrigation, contributes >50% of cultivable area?
            9. 109. Question
              1 points
              Equivalent acidity of urea is
            10. 110. Question
              1 points
              Centres of origin was first given by
              • 111. Question
                1 points
                Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute is situated at
              • 112. Question
                1 points
                Hormone which related to drought tolerance is
              • 113. Question
                1 points
                A line of equal wind speed is called
              • 114. Question
                1 points
                Which among the following parameter is more important in weather forecasting?
              • 115. Question
                1 points
                Major organic acid produced during decomposition of organic matter is
              • 116. Question
                1 points
                Physical condition of soil resulted due to tillage is called
              • 117. Question
                1 points
                End of seedling stage, fresh roots develop at lower node of stem are called as
              • 118. Question
                1 points
                Sorghum variety has lower HCN content is
              • 119. Question
                1 points
                DPAP STARTED DURING
              • 120. Question
                1 points
                Which of the operation is specially followed in chick pea?
                • Which of the following is bunchy type of groundnut variety?
                • 122. Question
                  1 points
                  Seed rate requirement of safflower is
                • 123. Question
                  1 points
                  Which of the following is used as sugarcane ripeners?
                • 124. Question
                  1 points
                  Planting material for sisal is
                • 125. Question
                  1 points
                  All India coordinated project or long term fertilizer experiments (LTFE) was started in
                • 126. Question
                  1 points
                  Ammonium chloride is not recommended for
                • 127. Question
                  1 points
                  Major storage loss of farm pond is
                • 128. Question
                  1 points
                  Which among the following weeds used as valuable fence?
                • 129. Question
                  1 points
                  Relationship between intensity of rainfall and soil loss is
                • 130. Question
                  1 points
                  Inter-cropping will increase the light interception of _____ %
                  • 131. Question
                    1 points
                    The system of composting is­
                  • 132. Question
                    1 points
                    Which of the following is suitable method for application of FYM?
                  • 133. Question
                    1 points
                    In ____ erosion resistance crops and erosion permitting crops are grown in alternate strips
                  • 134. Question
                    1 points
                    Which of the following is anti­transpirant?
                  • 135. Question
                    1 points
                    Tuberization in potato can be achieved by
                  • 136. Question
                    1 points
                    NPK Composition of standard fertilizer mixture for potato and Paddy is­
                  • 137. Question
                    1 points
                    Which of the followings weed is indicator of poor light soil
                  • 138. Question
                    1 points
                    Which of the following is long period residual?
                  • 139. Question
                    1 points
                    “Paraquat spray” can be inactivated by spraying­
                  • 140. Question
                    1 points
                    Water content of apical portion of roots and shoots is­
                    • 141. Question
                      1 points
                      For which of the following,very high relative humidity is harmful?
                    • 142. Question
                      1 points
                      Which of the following is not a Heliophyte?
                    • 143. Question
                      1 points
                      Which is the frost tolerant crop?
                    • 144. Question
                      1 points
                      Which of the following is perennial weed?
                    • 145. Question
                      1 points
                      Boll shedding in cotton is due to
                    • 146. Question
                      1 points
                      Reclamation disease due to copper dificiency occurs in plants grown on newly reclaimed acid soil
                    • 147. Question
                      1 points
                      Trap crops refer to
                    • 148. Question
                      1 points
                      A cloud type that occurs in low height in the atmosphere is:
                    • 149. Question
                      1 points
                      A short duration crop in between two main crops is termed as:
                    • 150. Question
                      1 points
                      Adsali crop of sugarcane takes a period of maturity of:
                      • 151. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the instrument
                        1Wind velocityAWind vane
                        2Wind directionBPsychrometer/Hygrometer
                        3RHCAssmann’s psychrometer
                        4RH in plant canopyDAnemometer
                        5RH continuouslyEHygrograph
                      • 152. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the maize classification with its typical characters of kernel
                        1Flint cornASoft and starchy endosperm, kernel is yellow and rounded
                        2Dent cornBHard and starchy endosperm
                        3Pop cornCKernel enclosed by pod/husk
                        4Sweet cornDSugary tasty and shriveled when dry
                        5Pod cornEExceptional popping quality, small grains
                      • 153. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the crops with their moisture sensitive period
                        1GroundnutAFlower bud initiation
                        3CottonCFlowering to boll development
                        5TomatoEPeg penetration
                      • 154. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the crops with their requirement levels
                        1RiceA400 mm
                        2WheatB300 mm
                        3GroundnutC1200 mm
                        4BananaD2000 mm
                        5PulsesE600 mm
                      • 155. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the irrigation method with its suitability crops
                        1Check irrigationAMaize, Sorghum
                        2Border strip irrigationBCotton, Vegetables
                        3Furrow irrigationCGroundnut, pulses, finger millet
                        4Surge irrigationDClosely growing crops
                      • 156. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the terms with their appropriate explanation
                        1Parasitic weedAWeed that depends for its growth on its host plant
                        2Obligate weedBCropped land weed incapable of surviving in a wild community
                        3Objectionable weedCProblem weed, whose seed once mixed with crop seed is extremely difficult to separate
                        4Noxious weedDUndesirable troublesome weed difficult to separate
                        5Satellite weedEWeed that has integral part of at crop ecosystem
                      • 157. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the different agronomic measures of soil water conservation techniques with their appropriate phrases
                        1Contour famingABunding across slope and operations carried out parallel to bunds
                        2Field strip croppingBTall growing crops alternated with low growing crops
                        3Wind strip croppingCStrips with perennial legumes in steep sloppy bunds
                        4Permanent strip croppingDDense vegetation across the slope and as live bunds
                        5Vegetative barriersEField crops are planted more or less suitable strips

                      • 158. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the classes with their characteristics under Land use capability classification
                        1Class IASoils with some limitations (deep red/black soils)
                        2Class IIBSeverely affected by problem soils
                        3Class IIICGood for all crops production
                        4Class IVDArid and rocky soils and Agro forestry
                        5Class VESevere limitations
                      • 159. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the elements with its role
                        1BoronANitrate reductase activity
                        2MolybdenumBNucleic acid
                        3PhosphorusCPollen formation
                        4NitrogenDCo-enzyme activity
                        5PotassiumEProtein formation
                      • 160. Question
                        1 points
                        Match the elements with their deficiency symptoms
                        1NitrogenAInterveinal chlorosis
                        2IronBBoth principle and sub veins are green
                        3ManganeseCYellowing in lower leaves
                        4SulphurDYellowing in upper leaves
                        5CopperEYellowing in upper leaves and turn white

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