Glossary of agricultural terms

       Agricultural Terminology

  • A line - The male sterile parent involving cytoplasmic or cytoplasmic male sterility devoped to produce hybrid seed. It is also known as  a cytoplasmic male steril line.

  • Absorb- To take in by chemical or molecular action or use as nourishment in the physiological process of the plant.

  • Absorption-  the process by which a substance process from one system to another .

  • Acaricide- A pesticide that kills mites and ticks.

  • Acclimation- Adjustment or adoption of an individual to a different climate or environment.

  • Achene- Small dry fruit with one seed.

  • Acid equbalent- The portion of pesticides that the theoretically converted in to acid .

  • Acid soil- A soil with a ph value of less than 7.0; for practical purpose ,soil with ph below ,6.6.

  • Acid sulphate soil- A soil with a ph valouof less then 4.0 when air dried contains a high amount of sulphate and yellow jarosite mottes. Abnormal growth of the plant in this soil if toxich from animal, animal , iron and hydrogen sulphide  and phosphorus deficiency.

  •  Adopt- to fit or adjust to a particular environment or a set of specific climate conditions through a change in the plants growth and development.

  • Adaptability- adapt to different environments by modification in physiological responses.

  • Adult - The mature stage
  • .
  • Albino- A plant that lacks 
  • chllorophyll  and turn white, a deficiency in normal pigment .

  • Alluvial soil- Soil that has been deposited by any form of running water.

  • Amensalism- An intraction between two organisms in which one organism is suppressed by toxins produce by the second.

  • Amylase- The enzyme responsible for catalysing the brack down of starch in to sugars may be active one of two forms ,a- amylase, b- amylase.

  •  Anaerobic- the absence of molecular oxygen.

  • Androgenesis- The development of a haploid individual form a pollen grain or microspore.
  • Anaphase- The stage of cell division in which the chromosome halves move towards the aposite poles of the spindle

  • Anatomy - Study of the internal structure of living beings .

  • Antagonism - In plant nutration, the interference of one aliment with the absorption or utilisation of an essential nutrient by the plant.

  • Argillic horizon- A soil horizon enriched by clay that have move downward.

  • Agro climate zones- and units in terms of major climate suitable for a certain range of crops and cultivars.

  • Araboricultural- cultivation of woody plants, Particularly those used for decoration and shade.

  • AlbedoIt is the ratio of the amount of visible light reflected by a body to the amount incident up on it. It is also called reflected radiation and expressed in percentage. it is measured with albedometer.

  • Arable Farming- Farming System that involves  the Production of Crop Requiring tillage.

 Crop -
plants on a farm that are man
aged for economic purposes,
producing a physical product
for farm use or sale.

Crop damage-
Any reduction in quantity or
quality of yield that results from injuri caused by environmental factors chemicals or pests.

Crop growth rate-
the crops rate of dry matter

Crop injury
visible and measurable symp-
toms and/or signs caused by
physical or biological patho
physical or biological patho-
gens, insects, weeds and other 

Crop loss-
A reduction in value and/or
financial return due to dam.
age: often measured as the
difference between actual
yield and attainable yield

Crop development-
the sequence of processes and
events involved in producing
new tissues and organs
throughout the crop cycle.

Crop removal-
absorption of soil nutrients by crops

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