Psychology, Definition, Scope, Role of Psychology in Extension Education /2020

Psychology, Definition, Concept of Psychology, Scope Role of Psychology in Extension Education-

Psychology -

Psychology is the science of individual behaviour and experience. There is rational understanding of human relations, thoughts and feelings. Psychology may be done oral the science of human and animal behaviour. Behaviour of an individual no individual refers to anything an individual does.

The science of mind and behavior.

Psychology image

There are 3 elements in psychology-Science, behaviour and Science is a body of systematised knowledge which is gathered by carefully one oy carefully observing and measuring (quantifying).

So psychology also is an art. Behaviour of person or animal includes attitude, emotions and all internal events which can be observed directly. Psychology is the science which seeks to understand and predict human behaviour.

The Roots of Psychology-

The word psychology was formed by combining the Greek psychē (meaning “breath, principle of life, life, soul,”) with –logia (which comes from the Greek logos, meaning “speech, word, reason”). An early use appears in Nicholas Culpeper’s mid-17th century translation of Simeon Partliz’s A New Method of Physick, in which it is stated that “Psychologie is the knowledg of the Soul.

Concept of Psychology-

 As a science of mental life :

Psychology  is the Science of mental life, both of its phenomena and of their condition. Feelings, desires and different modes of cognition are studied. Modern Psychology is approximating its methods and procedures to the natural science like biology and physics.

Science of soul :

 Psychology means the science of soul'. A more advanced view regarded soul as "a vital principle inhabiting and animating each human body and some how the ground of each individual's experience". Soul in the theological sense is an entity inaccessible to scientific investigation.

Science of mind :

In the eighteenth century, Psychology was conceived of as the science of mind

A collection of perceptions :

 Hume said that man is 'nothing but a bundle.

Collection of different perceptions which succeed each other with an inconceivable and they are in a perpetual flux and movement'.

Science of human behaviour :

The science of human behaviour is called viour. It is ology: McDougall defines Psychology as 'the positive science of conduct or behaviour.

Psychology of Human Behaviour

 Educational Psychology deals with the behaviour of human being in educational situations. It is concerned with the study of human behaviour or human personality, nowth, development, guidance under the social process of education. Human ing is the central core of educational psychology.

Scope of Psychology-

 The work of psychology is to discover the general laws that explain the behaviour of living organisms and the most important living organism is man himself. The individual responds to this stimulation and by such responses adjusts to the world.

The activity of an adult human is very and difficult to is very complex and difficult to unravel, but much light can be obtained from a study of the genetic development of activity in the growing child, as well as from the less complex activity of lower animal.

This knowledge of psychology is useful to extension workers and change agents e because it will help them to find causes of prejudice, the habit.

Role of Psychology in Extension Education-

1. Certain psychological concepts and tools for measurement are used while dealing with farming community. These concepts and tools are used widely in any extension system. These problems are personalised in nature, e.g., change proneness (The degree to which the farmers are willing to change). It is based on psychological element only. Achievement motivation (desire for excellence) : This can be enhanced through psychological principles. It is very important to know the psychology of the farmers.

2. Psychological problems in communication :
Communication is heart of any extension activity. The psychological framework of receiver and communicator has to be understood in order to bring about effective communication, eg, In interpersonal communication, an extension worker tactfully studies overt and covert behaviour, sentiments, emotion of the farmer.

Different Methods of Psychology

 Psychology uses many methods to gain understanding in als observe their interaction within community. (a) Social Science Method : It means studying individual in community in order

(b) Bio-graphical Method : It gives intimate story of individual development der to see how one reacts in home, and outside also. It is studying the individual his environmental perspective.

(c) Biological Method : It studies mankind as a living body, i.e., as a system ages of evolution, slowly evolved at a background of social development.

d) Clinical Method: A study of those aspects of a person's psychological make-up

(e) Testing Method : It uses carefully prepared tests of human abilities, aptitude

(f) Experimental Method : It is a kind of psychological laboratory for the study nts femotion, learning, memory. Effect of fatigue, thinking, imagination, psycho-physical old experiments. It mainly emphasizes experimental methods whenever it is available. We ors synthesize the knowledge of individual by these methods and studies are conducted ers, know, how a person meets a new situation, looks out towards life, inner conflicts.


Psychology is a science and art , these science useful individual behaviour and experience.
Psychology is the science of soul.
So most important .

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