Communication and communication model -
"Communication is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas facts, feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a common understanding d the message. In essence it is the act of getting a sender and receiver tuned together for a particular message or series of messages"(J. Paul Leagans).
"Communication is a process of exchanging facts, ideas, feelings and emotions by two or more persons" (Newman and Summer).
Meaning of Communication
The word 'communication' originates from the Latin word Communis, which the ways ns common. In a broad sense, communication means transimission of ideas, information, emotions, skills by use of symbols, words, pictures, figures, graphs, etc. It e the act of getting a sender and a receiver work together for a particular message.
Communication means
"the process of transmitting stimuli"
"the establishment of a common age"
"conveying meaning"
"all the procedures by which one's mind affects another"
"interaction by means of signs and symbols"
"the sharing of activity, excitement, information"
"the signals that individuals make to each other or which they detect at each other and which may be conscious or unconscious".
Models of Communication-
A model is an attempt to represent in symbolic form the underlying relation alleged to exist among the objects or forces that make up a particular event or system Models serve to illustrate, to explain and to predict. There are various models of communication given by different specialists They are
According to Aristotle, communication has three components.
- Speaker
- Message
- Audience
the person who listens the speech which an individual produces Harold Lasswell, a propaganda and mass media analyst, has defined communication with reference to five questions : the message.
"Who ? says what ? in which channel ? to whom ? with what effect ?"
According to Shannon-Weaver, model of communication may be
- Source
- Transmitter
- Signal
- Receiver
- Destination
If we translate the source into speaker, the signal into message and destination into listener we have the Aristotle's model plus two more ingredients:
Westley and MaClean Model:
- Sender
- Encoder
- Channel
- Decoder
- Receiver
uperior Here the sender encodes the message which passed through a channel and then purpo decoded. Is meaning is drawn out after which the message is clear to the receiver.
Berlo's Model:
- Receiver
- Source
- Encoder
- Message
- Channel
- Receiver
- Decoder
The difference from Westley and MaClean model is that Berlo add message to his model
ration Code is a system of signals for communication. Encode means to put the message at into code Channel means the medium through which the signal movie, the decoder nization means which converts the message in the code into ordinary language which may be easily understood by the receiver
Leagan's Model :
Leagans says that for a complete communication process, six elements are essential which are as follows- Communication
- Message
- Channel
- Treatment
- Audience
- Audience Response
Advantages of Models-
A model helps to give structure to events.
A clear advantage of most models is the ease with which they can accommodate a multitude of variables within a single structure.
Models clarify the structure of events.
Model guides what we look for, and what we make of and what we see.
A model identifies variables that should be studied, specifies the data that are needed and helps in interpretation of findings.
The ease with which models permit the manipulations of variables without tampering with real life settings.
The economics of time and effort effected by avoiding unnecessary experiments.
The conceptual flexibility provided by the presence of alternative models for treating data.
Helps us to understand complex system or events.
Helps us to see new relationship
Help us to predict when experiments are impossible.
Comunication model most importent role play communicate each other.J. Paul Leagans model most famous communication model
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