Types of Tillage /2020



Tillage is as old as agriculture. Primitive man used to disturb the soil for placing seeds JethroTull, who is considered as father of tillage, proposed a theory that plants absorb minute particles soils. Therefore, he suggested that thorough ploughing and other operations were necessary so as to make soil into fine particles. Though his theory is not correct, tillage operations are carried out
to prepare a fine seeds for sowing crops.

The word of tillage "Anglo-saxon means- Tilian and Teolian- Plough.

Types of tillage


Tillage is the physical manipulation of soil with tools and implements to result in good tilth for better germination and subsequent growth of crops. Tilth is a physical condition of the soil resulting from tillage .


Tilth indicates two properties of soil viz the size distribution of aggregates and mellowness or stability of soil. The relative proportion of different sized soil aggregates is known as size
distribution of soil aggregates. Higher per cent of larger aggregates >5 mm in diameter) are necessary for irrigated agriculture while higher per cent of smaller aggregates (1-2 mm in diameter) are desirable for dryland agriculture.


The objectives of tillage for crop production are-

  • Adequate soil erosion for gaseous exchange in the seed and root zone.
  • Adequate scod-sod contact to permit water flow to seed and seedling roots
  • . A noncrusted soul to permit seedling emergency
  • A low density soil that permits root elongation and proliferation
  • An environment that provides adequate light to the seedling (weed free environment).
  • A pest and pathoge free environment
  • Mixing the applied number of fertilizers with the Soil.
  • . Removing the hard pan if any to increase the soil depth for water absorption.


Tillage operation can be broadly grouped into two, based on the time during which they are
carried out : on-season tillage and off-season tillage.

On-Season Tillage

Tillage for a crop from the start of crop season to the crop harvest are known us on-season tillage
operations. It includes preparatory tillage and intertillage.

Preparatory Tillage : Preparatory tillage (preparatory cultivation) refers to tillage operations for raising Crops To sowing or planting as the case may be. It is of two types: primary and secondary tillage.

 Primary tillage -

starts with onset of the season. Arable soils on an average are ploughed twice, each time in diagonally opposite directions Primary tillage loosens the soil and  mixes in fertilizers and/or plant material resulting in soil with a rough texture. 

Secondary tillage

 Include operations for obtaining seedbed for sowing Secondary tillage produces finer soil and sometimes shapes the rows.

Off- Season Tillage -

Tillage operations during uncropped season for special purposes other than that for immediately
raising the crop in the season are said to be off-season tillage. Taking advantage of summer rains the field is ploughed Deep (deep ploughing) to eradicate perennial weeds and to destroy soil borne pathogens, pests and parasites and to check erosion. This tillage is known as summer

Intensive Tillage -

Intensive tillage systems leave less than 15 per cent crop residue cover of small grain residue.
These types of tillage systems are often referred to as conventional tillage systems. These
systems involve often multiple operations with implements such as a mold board disk, and/or
chisel plow. 

Reduced Tillage -

Reduced tillage systems leave between 15 and 30 per cent residue cover on soil of small  grain residue during the critical erosion period. This may involve the use of a chisel plow.

Conservation Tillage -

Conservation tillage systems are methods of soil tillage which leave a minimum of 30 percent of crop residue on soil of small grain residue on the surface during critical soil erosion period. This slows water movement, which reduces the amount of soil erosion. Conservation
tillago systems also benefit farmers by reducing fuel consumption and soil compaction.the farmers realise significant  in fuel and labor.

Types of tillage
Conservation tillage

Advantages of conservation tillage include:

• Surface crop cover reduces soil erosion.

• Reduced tillage machinery minimises soil compaction.

Applicable to steep slopes because of least disturbance to surface soil

• Soil moisture conservation due to higher infiltration and reduced evaporation with crop
Residue on soil surface

Relatively lower cost of tillage compared to conventional tillage.

• Soil temperature moderation with surface cover of crop residues.

• Improvement in soil organic matter content.

Disadvantages of conventional tillage include:

• Buildup of herbicide residues due to dependence on chemicals for weed control.

• Special equipment is needed for seeding under no tilled or minimum tillage conditions.

• High risk of pests and diseases due to microclimate favourable to pests and diseases

Cnp residues on soil surface interfere with cultural operations.

• Herbicide resistance and new weed problems may pose a problem.

Zero tillage :-

 Zero tillage is also called as no till Zero tillage is an extreme form of
minimum tillage Primary tillage is completely avoided and secondary tillage is restricted to seedbed preparation in the row zone only.

Till planting is one method of practicing zero tillage The machinery accomplishes four tasks
in one operation : clean a narrow strip over the crop row, open the soil for seed insertion place
the seed and cover the seed properly. 

In zero tillage, herbicide functions are extended. Before sowing, Valentine
destroyed for which broad spectrum, nonselective herbicides with relatively short residual effect
(Paraquat, Glyphosate etc) are used
the soil and kill weeds.

Types of tillage

Minimum Tillage -

It involves considerable soil distervance through to a much lesser
extent than that associated with tillage. Minimum tillage is aimed at reducing tillage to the minimum necessary for ensuring a good seed bed, rapid germination, a satisfactory stand and favourable growing conditions. Tillage can be reduced in two ways 

By omitting operation which do not give much benefit when compared to the cost in.

By combining agricultural operations like seeding and fertiliser application

Types of tillage

Advantages of minimum tillage include:

• Improved soil conditions due to decomposition of plant residues in
• Higher infiltration caused by the vegetation present on the soil and chanels formed by
the decomposition of dead roots

• Less resistance to root growth due to improved structure.

. Less soil compaction by the reduced movement of heavy tillage vehicles and less soil
erosion compared to conventional tillage.

These advantages are evident on curse and medium textured soils and appear after two to
three years of practicing minimum tillage.

 Disadvantages of minimum tillage include

• Seed germination is lower with minimum tillage
• In minimum tillage, more nitrogen has to be added as rate of decomposition of organic
matter is slow

• Nodulation is affected in some leguminous crops like peas and broad beans
Sowing operations are difficult with ordinary equipment.

. Continuous use of herbicides causes pollution problems and dominance of perennial  problematic weed.


Tillage is most important seed bed prepration and sowing of seed .

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